RRRR U U N N R R U U NN N RRRR U U N N N R R U U N NN R R UUU N N TTTTT III M M EEEEE T I MM MM E T I M M M EEE T I M M E T III M M EEEEE M M EEEEE N N U U MM MM E NN N U U M M M EEE N N N U U M M E N NN U U M M EEEEE N N UUU Version 1.0 A smart menuing software. Program and documentation Copyright 1994 by Michael Meron (CompuServe account# 100270,270) Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hardware and software requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Installation and configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 About descriptions, or: How to fine-tune RTM . . . . . . . . . 3 How to use the menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 How RTM launches applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 An example batch file to run RTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A definition of Shareware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Differences between the Shareware and the Registered versions of RTM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 How to register, and where to find help. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Trademarks and Copyrights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Introduction Welcome to RTM, the run time menu! A run time menu can decide which menu options to display automatically every time it executes. A programmer would say, RTM is in opposite to traditional menuing software, like what an interpreter is in opposite to a compiler. But don't be afraid, this is not going to be a "computerese" manual. At a glance: RTM will let you... - establish a VERY easy-to-use menu, from where your network users have access to the available applications, - install, configure and fine-tune the menu in just a few minutes, and - keep the menu automatically up-to-date in the future. A little more detail: RTM addresses mainly the network administrator whose users are more or less "computer-illiterate". However, it does not stand in the way of the experienced user who prefers to start applications from a "plain vanilla DOS prompt". And of course, you need not own a network if you just want to have a beginner-friendly menu at home for your spouse or friends. To do its job, RTM relies on the fact that most applications are started from a dedicated batch (.BAT) file. It scans the directory where itself (RTM.EXE) is located for batch files, and reads each one it finds. If it finds a description inside the batch file about file's purpose, RTM adds an according menu item "on the fly"; in other words: at run time. So if you have a directory with batch files to start DOS or Windows applications, housekeeping tasks, or whatever, you have already "configured" RTM. Imagine that - probably not yet having started RTM once, you're already finished with its configuration. Wasn't that a short time to do it? Well, setting up a program is one thing, maintaining it is another. LAN administrators with plenty of nodes and applications know what I am speaking of. I do confess that you may find a "fancier" menu system than RTM is elsewhere. But you will hardly find one that costs you less time to keep it up-to-date: Zero seconds! Zero seconds? Let me give you an example: If you remove a batch file from your hard disk (or net drive, respectively) because the application is no longer in use, RTM will show no according menu item anymore - automatically. If you add, update, rename, re- describe, or in any other way manipulate the batch files, so will RTM automatically change the menu. One third advantage of RTM: It is very easy to use, may you prefer mouse or keyboard. I dare to claim that you can put any person in front of the PC with RTM running, tell him/her which menu item to pick, and leave the room without hearing "Oh, please stay and show me how to do that!" He or she will find out him/herself. This is due to RTM's simplicity: - A scrollable list shows the menu items, - a big green button says "Ok (run program)", and - a smaller red button says "Exit". That does it. No manual needed, no training lessons. Well, you've been patient so far. Thank you. Please turn the page now for the really interesting things. Hardware and software requirements RTM requires at least an IBM PC XT or 100% compatible computer, running DOS 3.3 or higher. At least 200K free conventional memory. Color monitor strongly recommended, but not necessary. Mouse supported, but not necessary. RTM is no TSR (terminate-and-stay-resident) program, and uses no memory while the selected application is running. Installation and configuration Copy the program (RTM.EXE) and the sample batch file (M.BAT) to the directory where your batch files are normally being stored. In case there is already a file M.BAT which should not be overwritten, feel free to rename my M.BAT to whatever you like (but of course, you must not rename the copyrighted RTM.EXE). Finished. You should now test-run RTM from a DOS prompt by typing "M" (or to whatever you may have renamed it) and pressing Enter. About descriptions, or: How to fine-tune RTM I'll issume in this chapter that you have test-run RTM by now. You may have wondered why RTM did not display all of your batch files. And among those that RTM did display, you are certainly wondering how it "knew" what these files are doing. This chapter will explain what happened. First, and most important: RTM never displays a batch file if its name is AUTOEXEC.BAT, or if its name contains the string "RTM". The reason is obvious: While the former should not be accessible for the unexperienced, the latter are assumed to be simply re- starters for RTM.EXE. All other batch files are read by RTM.EXE, and searched for the first ECHO command that meets the following conditions: - The first five characters are E,C,H,O, and space. Upper-/lowercase does not matter. - The line is more than 10 characters long. - The line does not contain a percent sign ("%"). If no batch file line can be chosen, the file is considered to be "not for the public". Consequently, RTM will not display a corresponding menu item. But let us assume that a proper batch file line was found, like this example: echo Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS being started, please wait... Such a string is considered to be the batch file's "description". Of course, RTM will not display the description as-is. It will rather prepare it for the user in the following order: - The first five characters are stripped off: Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS being started, please wait... - If a string beginning with "being" or "will" can be found (in this order of precedence), it will be removed: Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS - The full name of the batch file (but without path) in which the description was found, will be added in round braces: Lotus 1-2-3 for DOS (123.BAT) Just to be certain that you got me right: Of course your batch files are NOT modified in any way. RTM just reads them. The string manipulation explained above is only taking place in RTM's internal copies. Okay. So this is why I said that you will not have to do a thing to "configure" RTM in most instances. But in case you DO decide to change a batch file to give it a better description, you are at the same time doing yet another two good things. First, you are giving better visual feedback to those who prefer the command-line to the menu. Second, you are improving the self-documenting character of the application system. There is no other way to fine-tune RTM, than to voluntarily "spice up" the batch files. Intentionally. I could have added this or that fancy input parameter or "switch" like in the other menu programs you may have already evaluated. But I decided rather not to, for a minor and a major reason. The minor reason: According to one of Murphy's laws, manuals always get lost on a busy man's desk. The major reason: If you have to take care for a parameter or switch, then you have to take care for the program. And if you had to take care for RTM, its great convenience advantage over the competition would be lost. How to use the menu In the introduction, I said that there is no manual necessary in order to use the menu. This is still true. But for the sake of completeness, here goes: The screen is divided mainly into two areas. On the left, there is a wide scrollable list of menu items, where each item represents a launchable application. On the right, there are two buttons. The big green one is labelled "OK (run program)", and the smaller red one says "Exit". You start a program by first selecting it from the list, and then pressing the OK button. To do this, choose an item using either the mouse, or the arrow keys on your keyboard, or the first letter of the item, or a combination thereof. Then, press the OK button by clicking on it (mouse) or by pressing ENTER (keyboard). To quit RTM, press the Exit button by clicking on it (mouse), or by pressing ESC (keyboard). How RTM launches applications When you select a menu item and click on "OK (run program)", RTM creates a temporary batch file named RTM_TEMP.BAT, which holds only the name of the batch file that you selected. Then it stops running and returns to the operating system. In this context, it is necessary to understand that if you had clicked on "Exit", RTM would have deleted RTM_TEMP.BAT upon exit. The batch file that had started RTM.EXE (for example, M.BAT) is now taking over. If there is no file RTM_TEMP.BAT, it terminates. If, on the other hand, it exists, then the execution control is transferred to it. In turn, RTM_TEMP.BAT transfers control to the application of choice. This principle has two advantages. First, it is simple and robust. Second, not a single byte of precious RAM is occupied by RTM while the application is running. But doesn't it have the disadvantage that when the application is ended, we cannot automatically return the user to the menu? Answer: Sure we can. This will be explained in the following chapter. An example batch file to run RTM I call M.BAT a "sample" file because once you understand how it works, you may wish to do the same thing your own way. Feel free to modify M.BAT however you like. Here goes: @echo off REM M.BAT: A sample batch file to call RTM.EXE :start REM The following "@" keeps M.BAT out of RTM's list: @echo Main Menu being set up, please wait... rtm.exe REM If you do not want to have RTM re-started automatically, REM simply remove the word "call" from the following line: if exist rtm_temp.bat call rtm_temp.bat if exist rtm_temp.bat goto start First M.BAT turns off the command echo, and starts RTM. If RTM returns and there is no file named RTM_TEMP.BAT, the whole thing stops. In case there is an RTM_TEMP.BAT, it is CALLed (please note that this assumes DOS 3.3 or higher), and we will stay in the loop. The last two REMarks tell you how NOT to return to the menu after completion of the application program, should you prefer that. A definition of Shareware Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software,and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality (in both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it. Differences between the Shareware and the Registered versions of RTM As you might know, shareware authors are generally doing "something" in the shareware versions of their programs to encourage you to register. For example, you may have to look at an "introductory screen" (a display that reminds you of how to pay) each time the program is run. Sometimes, the "something" does not allow the program to do everything that it could do, had you only registered. This second approach is called "crippling". It is not easy for us shareware authors to decide what this "something" should be. It must be hard enough to let you really get the desire to register, or else the program won't sell. On the other hand, it must be fair enough to give you a chance to evaluate the program, or else -again- the program won't sell. Well, RTM is not "crippled". The shareware version does functionally nothing more or less than the registered version. And there are no "introductory screens" in RTM, either. But, as you expected, there IS a difference, as follows: - The Shareware version shows the title display: "RTM by Michael Meron - Unregistered Shareware Copy" (the exact wording is subject to change). As soon as you register, you will receive instructions on how to change this text to anything else you like, i.e. "ZCYWASHY International - Main Menu". There will be no visible clue who this program is really from! A real bonus, I think. - The Shareware version will display a "friendly reminder" from the author, in yellow text, once every minute for about ten seconds. The registered version will not do so, of course. How to register, and where to find help A RTM registration licenses you to use the product on a regular basis. Individual registrations for RTM cost $12. Volume discounts and/or site licenses are available upon request. At the moment of this writing, I am distributing RTM exclusively through CompuServe ("CIS"), so the only way to register is through CIS. It is also currently the only way to get help. Registering is easy. Just GO SWREG at any CIS "!" prompt. When asked what you want to do, choose the menu item to "register software". When asked which software to register to, choose the menu item to "select by number"; the number is 2035. I will be notified automatically, and single regular registration fee of $12 will be automatically charged via your CIS-related credit card. Thank you very much in advance. Getting help is also easy. Just drop me a note; I am "Michael Meron 100270,270". I will reply asap (Attention February 1994 downloaders: I'll be on vacation during the last two weeks this month. Please be patient meanwhile. Thank you.) Disclaimer I do everything to make sure that RTM (among others) is well- behaved and does exactly what it is intended to do. However, users of RTM must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "RTM is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation,the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of RTM." Trademarks and Copyrights RTM, its documentation, and all associated non-sample files are copyrighted by the author, Michael Meron. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corp. All other brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.